The Swedish Trade Union Confederation is to be a clear voice against unfair policies and for a change of government in 2014. This will have high priority in operational plans, policy documents and in general for the work of LO Sweden’s Headquarters. Congress further resolved that the Swedish Trade Union Confederation is to prepare a trade-union political between-election strategy to transform members' high priority issues into concrete political demands. The Swedish Trade Union Confederation will also clearly coordinate its research activities with moulding public opinion. On central issues the Swedish Trade Union Confederation is to act as much as possible together with white-collar trade union organisations and form strategic alliances with others who share the Swedish Trade Union Confederation's objectives.
The Swedish Trade Union Confederation is preparing a between-election strategy for a change of government
Published Updated
The Swedish Trade Union Confederation will continue its trade union-political cooperation with the Social Democratic Party. This was resolved by the Swedish Trade Union Confederation Congress today.