LO condemns Hamas' terror against Israeli civilians

International issues LO Sweden strongly condemns the brutal acts of violence committed by the terrorist organisation Hamas against Israeli civilians on October 7.

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Foto: Fatima Shbair

Hamas' violence and long-standing rocket fire against Israel is contrary to international law and must be stopped immediately. At the same time, Israel's right to self-defence does not include the right to respond with indiscriminate bombing of civilians. Cutting off food and electricity supplies to Gaza is a violation of international law and must be condemned. The blockade of Gaza must end.

A continued cycle of violence will only worsen the long-running conflict. The only long-term path to peace and reconciliation is an end to the occupation and a two-state solution in which Palestinians and Israelis can live side by side in peace and democracy.

International aid to Palestine is important for strengthening the forces working for such a solution. Not least, trade union aid plays an important role. This includes long-term efforts to build up and strengthen independent trade union organisations and to promote cooperation between the Palestinian and Israeli trade union movements. Free, democratic and independent trade unions are a cornerstone in building democracy.

The Swedish government's decision to suspend Swedish development aid to Palestine is therefore deeply unfortunate and risks weakening the forces working for dialogue and democracy. The only ones who benefit from such a development are extremists on both sides.