About the congress

Organisational issues

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Investing in equality 

Medlem i ByggnadsThe Congress is the ultimate decision-making body of LO and is held every four years. The Congress of 2016 was the 28th Statutory LO Congress and it took place in Stockholm on 17-20 June, 2016.

The Congress decides the guidelines for the LO activities for the coming four-year period. The documents discussed at the 2016 Congress conisisted of 308 motions submitted by the affiliates or their local sections, and the Congress Report ‘Full employment and a wage policy of solidarity', which was adopted.

Read the final Congress report here (pdf)

The Congress also elected the President, Vice Presidents as well as the members of the Executive Council.

The national unions affiliated to LO were represented by totally 300 elected delegates, in proportion to the membership figures: The Building Workers’ Union 18, The Electricians’ Union 5, The Building Maintenance Workers’ Union 6, GS (the union of forestry, wood and graphical workers) 10, The Commercial Employees’ Union 30, The Hotel and Restaurant Workers’ Union 7, IF Metall 59, The Municipal Workers’ Union 120, The Food Workers’ Union 6, The Musicians’ Union 1, The Painters’ Union 3, The Paper Workers' Union 4, The Union of Service and Communication Employees 18, The Transport Workers’ Union 13.

In addition to the delegates, the members of the Executive Council (14) and the members of the General Council (94) participated in the work of the Congress. Totally, about 1,100 people attended the Congress, including national and international guests and journalists.