More jobs key election issue for LO members

Forming public opinion According to an opinion poll carried out recently, the most important issue in the elections is employment/unemployment. LO members are to a large extent convinced that a new political direction for Sweden is necessary.

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In the run-up to the general elections on 14 September, LO leaders are on a campaign tour to meet union members in the country.   What they express is in line with  the outcome of a nation-wide survey conducted by an opinion poll agency in August.  Totally 3,000 LO members were interviewed in different regions of the country.

Disappointment with the present government’s policies is extensive.   78 per cent of LO members are of the opinion that the right-wing government has failed in fighting unemployment.  LO members are also largely disappointed with health care and school policies.

In all parts of the country,  approximately  50 per cent of  LO members also consider  that the wage gap has increased and  about 70 per cent  find this fact regrettable. 

More investments in welfare and infrastructure is according to 75 per cent the most important way to create more employment.

LO members are to a large extent convinced that a new political direction for Sweden is necessary.

The most important issue in the elections is employment/unemployment,  according to an average of 25 per cent of LO members,  followed by social insurances (unemployment benefit, sickness insurance)  -  13 per cent.