The cause of the Finnish trade union movement is also ours!

International issues LO calls on the Finnish government to listen to the demands of the trade union movement and immediately withdraw the attacks on Finnish workers.

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Finnish workers are under attack

Finland's right-wing government wants to introduce sharply deteriorating employment conditions, severe restrictions on the right to strike and far-reaching cuts in social security for ordinary people. The Finnish trade union movement has been forced to respond with widespread protests and political strikes.

If the Finnish government's proposals are implemented, they will have far-reaching consequences for both individual workers and the entire Finnish labour market. The balance of power between the parties on the labour market will be strongly shifted in favour of the employers and move Finland away from the Nordic model of social dialogue, equal partners and strong collective agreements.

We call on the Finnish government to listen to the demands of the trade union movement and immediately withdraw the attacks on Finnish workers and their trade union rights!