Make market capitalism benefit all
Increased employee ownership and profit-sharing is not the whole solution to inequality or financial instability or the other problems that afflict advanced economies. But it is a necessary part of any solution and the one with the greatest potential for moving market capitalism forward in ways that benefit all.
The report has been written by Professor Richard B Freeman at Harvard, NBER, CEP and London School of Economics.
The report Workers Ownership and Profit-Sharing in a New Capitalist Model? (pdf)
Full employment and solidaristic wage policy
The report has been written within the framework of the Swedish Trade Union Confederations project Full employment and solidaristic wage policy. It has been an important intellectual contribution to the final report of the project which will be presented in June 2015. The opinions expressed are those of the author.
Read more about the project (Swedish)
Om rapportserien från projektet Full sysselsättning och solidarisk lönepolitik
Projektet Full sysselsättning och solidarisk lönepolitik har i uppdrag att arbeta fram underlag till LOs nästa kongressrapport. En rapportserie tas fram av såväl egna som externa experter. Rapporterna ska bidra till en öppen och bred debatt kring frågor som knyter an till kongressrapporten. Slutsatserna är författarnas egna och beslutas inte av LOs styrelse.